History of WinMan Trails

The Story of WinMan begins with a common dream of many Wisconsin families: Purchase some land for the family to enjoy together in the Northwoods. The plot twist is what Susie and Rick Gering did with their humble parcel, which was to build a 45-mile, 4-season system with an arms-wide-open invitation for the community to come out and play.

The Gerings’ daughter, Elizabeth, laughs as she recalls the memories from those early days at the property:

“Our family would go out there to snowshoe and my dad would say, ‘Hey, we’re looking at putting in a new trail out here.’ We’d get to the spot and there’d be absolutely nothing. I’m so impressed that he had the vision to see it before it was a reality. But I was too busy trying to avoid getting slapped in the face by a random tree branch to see the trail that wasn’t there yet.” 

WinMan currently is a 501(c)3 public, non-profit that is 100% funded by donations from our users and community. If you'd like to learn about how we got to this point, please read the Story of WinMan which was written in 2022.